East Midlands Airport is the UK’s busiest ‘pure’ cargo airport and second in country in terms of total cargo.
East Midlands (EMA/EGNX) handles more than 394,000 tonnes of cargo each year, and is a major global hub for DHL, UPS, FedEx and Royal Mail.
The airports thriving cargo facilities are expanding to meet the demands of importers and exporters from across the UK. These facilities will be able to accommodate the largest freight and passenger aircraft in the world.
For more information, please contact:
David Craig
Head of Aviation
Email: David.Craig@magairports.com
Intercontinental Cat IIIb 2893m / 9492ft runway
24 hour operations with no slot restrictions
Excellent good weather record
Central UK location adjacent to the UK motorway network with over 89% of England and Wales within a 3 to 4 hour truck drive-time.
Frequent scheduled air cargo truck services to all major UK airports
Broad on-site cargo community
Five airside cargo terminals offering over 865,000 sq. ft of undercover cargo processing area
Over 2 million sq. ft of dedicated cargo apron/ramp space with handling capability for multiple AN124s / B747Fs / 777Fs
Interline non-stop cargo connections to major cities throughout Europe and North America
Experienced in the handling of the world’s cargo aircraft, including the AN-225, B747-8F
A380 approved
Specialists in the handling of “outsize” cargo
EU listed Border Inspection Post for animal products
Revolutionary pricing structure to benefit cargo aircraft operators
“Freighter Friendly” airport management
East Midlands Airport (EMA) is approved as a Border Control Post (BCP). The 4,500 sq. ft facility is operated by North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) Environmental Health. The team can be contacted via the contact details below.
Environmental Health - North West Leicestershire District Council
Enquiries Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm:
Tel: 01530 454 556
Email: ehealth@nwleicestershire.gov.uk
Out of hours Tel: (01530) 454 556 (a voicemail facility is in operation for out of office hours enquiries).
Official Veterinarian - Eville & Jones Ltd
Tel: 0113 284 0400
Fax: 0113 284 0429
The Border Control Post is located airside in the 'Critical Part' between the central and eastern aircraft parking aprons. However please note the BCP office is NOT permanently manned and the NWLDC Environmental Health number should be contacted if there is no answer at the BCP:
BCP Tel/Fax: Direct Line 01332 852 919 (or 01332 852 852 ext.2919) Email: ehealth@nwleicestershire.gov.uk;
Further information regarding East Midlands Airport BCP can be found here - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-border-control-posts-animal-and-animal-product-imports/live-animals-animal-products-and-food-and-feed-of-non-animal-origin-border-control-posts-bcp-in-the-uk.
For general enquiries about importing animals and products of animal origin you can contact:
Animal Plant & Health Agency (APHA) - Centre for International Trade.
Telephone: 03000 200 301
Email: imports@apha.gsi.gov.uk
EMA is also authorised as “a port of entry” for plants, fruit, vegetables and seeds. DEFRA are responsible for the inspection of such imports.
APHA Plant Health & Seeds Inspectorate
2nd Floor, Apex Court, City Link, Nottingham NG2 4LA
Tel: 0300 1000 313
Email: planthealth.info@apha.gov.uk
Further information regarding importing food can be found here - https://www.food.gov.uk/business-guidance/imports-exports
East Midlands Airport has encouraged the development of a thriving and balanced air cargo community.
©2025 Manchester Airport plc. All rights reserved.